Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beginning of the End

  • 492 delegates remain.
  • 218 are decided today via Indiana, North Carolina
  • West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Montana, South Dakota all have their primaries in upcoming weeks, finishing June 3.
  • 274 votes from these remaining states after today.

When will it be decided, really? There's the whole super delegate thing later.

When Tom Hanks delivered his announcement, he knows it will impact voters. Some voters are dumb enough to say, "I like him, so I will vote for hi guy." He spent the money to announce because he knows in some of these states, Hillary Clinton has a chance to win. He's afraid her voters will show up at the polls, and that too many Obama voters will play hooky. Tom looked at his money and decided it was not as well spent giving to a homeless shelter.
John McCain is quietly building an infrastructure in the meanwhile

see http://politics.nytimes.com/election-guide/2008/primaries/democraticprimaries/index.html

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